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Legal Documents and
Consumer Information
Legal Documents
Consumer Information
Television Services - Terms Of Service
Video services may not be used by any method that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary rights of any third party.
The prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
1. Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material;
2. Digitation and distribution of photographs from copyrighted sources;
3. Unauthorized tranmittal of copyrighted material;
4. Unauthorized sharing and copying of copyrighted music and movies.
Closed Captioning
To report an immediate technical issue regarding closed captioning, please contact Brandenburg Telephone Co. at:
PHONE: 270-422-2121 or 270-982-4466
Written closed captioning complaints may be sent to:
MAIL: BrandenburgTelephone Co.
Attn. Nathan Smith, Director of Technology
200 Telco Drive Brandenburg, KY 40108
FAX: 270-351-4448
N.E.C.A. Tariff Information
Copies of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.
Interstate Access Service Tariffs:
NECA Tariff FCC No.3 - Special Construction
NECA Tariff FCC No.4 - Wire Center Information
NECA Tariff FCC No.5 - Access Service
Tariffs are available for inspection at the following location:
National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc.
115 Perimeter Center Place, Suite 440 Atlanta, GA 30346
Identity Theft
BBTEL takes great pride in protecting customers against identity theft. Through methods of authentication, Brandenburg Telephone Co. will strive to protect it's customers from being victims of identity theft.
Identity Theft Definition
Identity theft occurs when an unauthorized person wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal information to commit fraud or deception, usually for economic gain.
There are two types of identity theft
"Account Takeover" occurs when an unauthorized person acquires existing credit account information and purchases products and services and charges the cost to the credit account. This type of fraud is typically discovered when the lawful owner of the account receives an account statement.
"Application Fraud" occurs when an unauthorized person uses SSN and other identifying information to open new accounts in the name associated with the identifying information. Victims are not likely to learn of application fraud for some time, because the monthly account statements are mailed to the address used by the imposter. In contrast, victims learn of account take over when they receive their monthly account statement.
Brandenburg Telephone Company will take practical steps to reduce the risk of both types of fraud.
What can you do?
Protect yourself from identity theft by keeping your personal information confidential.You may find more tips on protecting your identity by visiting the Federal Trade Commissions website on Identity Theft.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Brandenburg Telephone Company is the recipient of Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable , sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audio tape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave. S.W, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-7382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Tariff Info for Kentucky Public Service Commission
The Kentucty Public Service Commisson (PSC) can be contacted at:
Kentucky Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 615
211 Sower Boulevard
Frankfort, Kentucty 40602-0615
Accessibility Statement
Brandenburg Communications is committed to making its electronic technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Web Standards
This site was built using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and confirms to accepted Web standards laid out by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If anything on this website does not validate correctly or creates a problem for any user, please contact our office. We welcome your comments and try to provide widely accessible information for all visitors. The site will continually evolve based on industry best practices.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Files
Many of the documents on the website are in HTML or PHP formats. Those formats are generally accessible to people who use screen readers. PDF format is used to preserve the content and layout of our hard copy publications. People using screen-reading devices generally are unable to read documents directly in PDF format, unless they have an accessibility plug-in installed on their system along with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Any user requiring assistance with PDF files or any other aspects of our website is encouraged to contact our office. It is our desire to reduce or remove these PDF formatted documents from our website in future updates.
We Can Help
Some areas of the website may not be viewable. If you have any difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website or notice any accessibility problems, contact our office. Brandenburg Communications will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require. We also welcome your questions about this accessibility statement.
Lifeline Information
Lifeline is a state and federal program that provides discounts to eligible low-income consumers to help ensure they have access to telephone and broad band services.
Federal Lifeline offers a discount of up to $9.25 per month apply on a qualifying voice and / or broadband service. An additional state discount of $3.50 applies for those subscribers who qualify for lifeline using a voice service. Only one discount may be applied per household.
All voice services include unlimited local calling and subscribers may select the long distance calling plan of their choice. Unless technically unavailable, all Lifeline qualifying broadband services must be at or above 25 meg downstream / 3 meg upstream. All of our broadband services are unmetered.
An individual must meet certain eligibility criteria such as receiving:
  1. Medicaid
  2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  3. Federal Public Housing Assistance
  4. Supplementary Security Income (SSI)
  5. Veterans Pension Benefit Program
  6. Survivors Benefit Program
A customer may also qualify if their household income is at or below 135 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Household is defined as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses.
Enrollment in Lifeline requires that you continue to maintain eligibility by providing annual proof and recertification to the lifeline Administrators. Customers can obtain information and/or apply for eligibility at or by coming to any Brandenburg Telephone Company business office or call us at our Business Offices in Brandenburg (270-422-2121) or Radcliff (270-351-4466).
Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment or can be barred from the program.
Customer Bill of Rights
As a residential customer of a regulated public utility in Kentucky, you are guaranteed the following rights subject to Kentucky Revised Statutes and the provisions of the Kentucky Public Service Commission Administrative Regulations:
  1. Present a Certificate of Need issued by the Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources, and
  2. Pay one third (1/3) of your outstanding bill ($200 maximum), and
  3. Accept referral to the Human Resources’ Weatherization Program, and
  4. Agree to a repayment schedule that will cause your bill to become current by October 15.
You have the right to contact the Public Service Commission regarding any dispute that you have been unable to resolve with your utility (Call Toll Free 1-800-772-4636).
Statement of Billing Error Rights
This statement sets out your billing error rights with respect to telephone-billed purchases made using interstate 900 pay-per-call services that are billed to you through Brandenburg Telephone Company. The rights and obligations of you, the customer, and of Brandenburg Telephone Company and the long distance company, who is the billing entity, set out here, are provided under the Federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act. This is the procedure that you must follow to notify Brandenburg Telephone Company of a billing error and the steps that we or the long distance company must take in response to your notice:
You may provide notice of a billing error to Brandenburg Telephone Company by telephone or in writing. If you write, you should: (1) Give us your name or the customer’s name, and telephone number to which the charge was billed; (2) Tell us the date and amount of the error, and the type of error you believe occurred; and (3) Tell us why you believe it was an error.
You should contact Brandenburg Telephone Company first, since we have an agreement to receive billing error notifications from the customers. You may provide a notice to the long distance company instead, and the long distance company may ask you to contact you to contact us directly, and provide to you our name, mailing address, and business telephone number, even if the long distance company also sends your billing error notice to us. A customer who orally communicates an allegation of a billing error is presumed to have provided sufficient notice to initiate a billing review. You have the right to withhold payment of any disputed amount pending completion of our billing review, and any action to collect any disputed amount will be suspended pending completion of the billing review.
If it is determined that no billing error occurred, your rights and obligations are as follows: We will transmit to you an explanation setting forth the reasons why it has been determined that there was no error. If there was an error – even a partial error or an error different than what you asserted – your account will be adjusted appropriately. If you request, we will provide a written explanation and copies of any documentary evidence of the customer indebtedness. This action will be taken within two billing cycles (two months) after your notice is received. If you send your notice to the long distance company instead of Brandenburg Telephone Company, there may be an additional time to complete the necessary responsive action. The long distance company will notify the provider of the service of the disposition of the billing error investigation and the reasons for that disposition. Brandenburg Telephone Company will notify you of the time when payment is due of that portion of the disputed amount that is determined not to be in error. Payment must be made in the normal course of billing or as otherwise provided, but no less than ten days after the request for payment is made. Once Brandenburg Telephone Company and the long distance company have complied with FTC rule 308.7(d) regarding a claim you make of a billing error, there is no further responsibility under that section if you continue to make substantially the same allegation.
The long distance company or Brandenburg Telephone Company may take action to collect the sum outstanding that is determined not to be the result of a billing error if you continue to withhold payment of the disputed amount once the billing review is completed. Failure to pay the amount determined not to have been the result of a billing error may be reported to a credit reporting agency or subject you to a collection action. If you continue to dispute any portion of your billing error claim, the fact that your account is delinquent will be reported only if we also report that the amount that remains is in dispute, the amount, and tell you to whom we have made such a report. If the dispute is subsequently resolved, that fact will be reported to all who received the initial report that the account was delinquent. If either we, as your billing entity, or the long distance company as a billing entity, fails to follow the billing and collection procedures prescribed by 308.7 of the Federal Trade Commission rule implementing the federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act, we are obligated to forfeit any disputed amount, up to $50 per transaction.